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Tasting Notes

Upon opening the bottle, a bouquet of citrus fills the air, revealing the unmistakable aroma of freshly sliced limes. The first sip unveils a symphony of flavors, where the essence of ripe lime takes center stage. The taste is smooth and rich, reminiscent of freshly squeezed lime juice. The natural brightness of the lime is expertly captured, delivering a perfect balance between vibrant citrus zest and a subtle underlying sweetness. The finish is clean and refreshing, leaving a delicate and lasting lime sensation that beckons for another sip.

Absolut Lime Flavored Vodka 750ml

  • Absolut Lime Flavored Vodka is a remarkable testament to the natural and invigorating essence of freshly harvested limes. Crafted with precision and artistry by the visionary Swedish distillery Absolut, this exceptional flavored vodka embodies the perfect harmony between quality vodka and the vibrant zest of zesty limes. Building upon their legacy of innovation and groundbreaking creations, Absolut Lime pays homage to their pioneering spirit in the realm of flavored vodkas. With its smooth texture, luxurious richness, and a captivating burst of freshly pressed lime, this vodka stands as a dynamic addition to Absolut's esteemed collection.

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