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Borgogno Barolo is a classic expression of Italy’s most prestigious wine region, crafted with dedication and respect for tradition. Produced by the historic Borgogno winery, founded in 1761, this Barolo reflects centuries of expertise and a deep connection to the Langhe hills of Piedmont. Made exclusively from 100% Nebbiolo grapes, it captures the essence of the region’s unique terroir and the varietal's signature character.

This wine is celebrated for its power, elegance, and remarkable aging potential, making it a cornerstone of any fine wine collection.

Borgogno Barolo 750ml

    • Appearance: Garnet red with orange reflections, characteristic of traditional Barolo.
    • Aroma: Intense and complex, with notes of dried rose petals, red cherries, and plums, layered with hints of truffle, licorice, and tobacco.
    • Palate: Full-bodied and structured, offering flavors of ripe red fruit, leather, and earthy undertones, complemented by nuances of spice and a touch of tar.
    • Structure: Firm tannins and lively acidity provide a robust backbone, ensuring longevity and depth.
    • Finish: Long and persistent, with evolving notes of dried fruit, herbs, and subtle oak.

    Borgogno Barolo pairs perfectly with hearty dishes such as braised beef, wild game, truffle-infused risotto, or aged cheeses. While approachable now with decanting, it is an excellent candidate for cellaring, where its complexity and refinement will continue to evolve over time.

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