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Tasting Notes

Upon taking in the aroma of Bumbu Rum, the richness of Madagascar vanilla intertwines with the delicate warmth of soft caramel, inviting you to explore its depths. The initial sip introduces a captivating ensemble of flavors, where cinnamon dances alongside roasted nuts, while banana and allspice weave in and out like characters in a vivid tale. The experience is a celebration of contrasts – sweet yet nuanced, complex yet approachable. The culmination is a masterfully blended mild sweetness that coats the palate, followed by a light and impeccably smooth finish. Bumbu Rum is a revelation that lingers, leaving behind the memory of a journey through flavor's finest nuances.

Bumbu The Original Rum 750ml

  • Bumbu Rum offers an unparalleled journey through a tapestry of intricate flavors, carefully woven together to create a symphony of indulgence. From the moment the aroma escapes the bottle, you're transported to a realm of Madagascar vanilla, soft caramel, and the embrace of oak. With a complexity that unfolds sip by sip, Bumbu Rum is a true masterpiece, revealing notes of cinnamon, roasted nuts, banana, and the alluring essence of allspice on the palate. Each component harmonizes effortlessly, delivering a sensory experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

  • Enjoy fast and reliable shipping on all orders. We ensure your products arrive safely and on time, so you can start enjoying your purchase as soon as possible.

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