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Tasting Notes

Aroma: Bright and fresh, with enticing notes of honey, ripe tropical fruit, and vanilla. The bouquet is inviting, promising a delightful tasting experience.

Flavor: Soft and velvety on the palate, with a harmonious blend of vanilla bean, mocha, dried apricot, and toasty oak. Each sip reveals layers of flavor, showcasing the whiskey's complexity and craftsmanship.

Finish: Smooth and lingering, with the sweet and toasty notes gradually fading, leaving a pleasant aftertaste that invites another sip.

Bushmills 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

  • Bushmills 10 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey is a meticulously crafted spirit, triple distilled from 100% malted barley and aged for a minimum of 10 years in a combination of former sherry casks and bourbon-seasoned casks. This aging process imparts a rich tapestry of flavors and aromas, making it both complex and approachable. Known for its smoothness and balance, this whiskey has earned a 90-point rating from Whiskey Advocate. Bushmills 10 Year Old is a versatile whiskey that can be enjoyed neat, over ice, or even frozen, making it an excellent choice for any occasion, especially as a refreshing summertime drink.

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