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Bushmills 21 Year Irish Whiskey is the epitome of excellence in the world of Irish spirits. Crafted with meticulous care and aged for an astounding 21 years, this single malt whiskey is a testament to the distillery's commitment to quality and tradition. It undergoes a unique aging process, first spending a minimum of 19 years in former Oloroso Sherry and bourbon-seasoned casks, and then being transferred into Madeira casks for an additional 2 years of aging and maturation. This extraordinary journey through different cask types results in a whiskey of unparalleled depth and complexity.

Bushmills 21 Year Old Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

    • Appearance: Bushmills 21 Year Irish Whiskey possesses a rich, amber hue that glistens with elegance in the glass.
    • Nose: The nose is a symphony of aromas, featuring a profound interplay of dried fruits and spices. You'll encounter the luscious scent of dried fruits, such as figs and dates, along with a spicy and aromatic maltiness that tantalizes the senses. Subtle notes of nutty raisins add depth and complexity, hinting at the richness to come.
    • Palate: The palate is a marvel of flavor harmony. It opens with a burst of dried fruit flavors, including raisins and apricots, which are balanced by the spicy and malty undertones. The interplay between the dried fruits and the maltiness is a true delight for the taste buds. The subtle nutty notes continue to evolve, adding a layer of sophistication to the experience.
    • Finish: The finish of Bushmills 21 Year is a masterful display of whiskey craftsmanship. It is luxuriously long and rich, seemingly never-ending, with a lingering sweetness that leaves an indelible impression. The complexity and depth of this whiskey shine brightly in its enduring finish.
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