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Tasting Notes

Colour: Ochre with highly intense light flashes, giving it a rich and inviting appearance.

Aromas: The nose is greeted with rich tones that blend seamlessly with woody notes of chocolate, vanilla, and walnut. This complex aromatic profile hints at the depth of flavor within.

Taste: On the palate, Corralejo Grand Reserve Anejo Tequila is silky smooth. It opens with sweet tones that evolve into a more complex flavor profile, finishing with a lingering wood taste that adds to its sophisticated character.

Corralejo Grand Reserve Anejo Tequila 750ml

  • Corralejo Grand Reserve Anejo Tequila is a luxurious, limited-edition spirit, with only 2,000 cases produced. This tequila is a testament to the artistry of traditional tequila-making, crafted from 100% handpicked Blue Weber Agave. It is aged for a minimum of two years in French Limousin oak barrels, which imparts a distinctive character to the tequila. The packaging is equally impressive, with the tequila bottled in a replica of the 18th-century Spanish Royal Crown, adding a touch of regal elegance.

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