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Cotarella Ferentano Bianco is an exceptional white wine crafted by the famed Famiglia Cotarella winery in Lazio, Italy. This unique wine is made from the native Roscetto grape variety, a rare and indigenous grape that the Cotarella family has revitalized and refined. Known for its richness, complexity, and elegant structure, Ferentano is a standout expression of Lazio’s potential for producing world-class white wines.

Cotarella Ferentano Bianco 750ml

    • Appearance: Bright golden-yellow color, indicative of its richness and complexity.
    • Aroma: A captivating bouquet of ripe tropical fruits, such as mango, pineapple, and banana, layered with hints of peach, apricot, and delicate floral notes. Subtle undertones of vanilla, honey, and toasted almond from oak aging add depth and complexity.
    • Palate: Full-bodied and creamy, with a velvety texture. Flavors of ripe stone fruits, citrus zest, and tropical notes are balanced by vibrant acidity and a touch of minerality. The oak aging imparts elegant notes of vanilla, spice, and a slight nuttiness.
    • Finish: Long and refined, with lingering notes of honey, citrus, and a touch of salinity.
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