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Covenant Red C Sauvignon Blanc is a bright and expressive white wine produced in California by the esteemed Covenant winery, which specializes in kosher wines. Sourced from top vineyard sites, this Sauvignon Blanc reflects a perfect balance of fresh fruit, lively acidity, and a touch of refinement. Red C is known for being versatile, approachable, and food-friendly, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of occasions.

Covenant Red C Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    • Appearance: Pale straw-yellow with greenish highlights, reflecting its freshness and vibrancy.
    • Aroma: A vibrant nose featuring citrus and tropical fruit aromas such as grapefruit, lime, and passionfruit, complemented by notes of green apple and hints of fresh-cut grass or herbs.
    • Palate: Crisp and medium-bodied, with refreshing flavors of lemon zest, ripe pear, and gooseberry. A subtle minerality and balanced acidity provide structure, while delicate herbal undertones and a hint of white peach round out the flavor profile.
    • Finish: Clean and zesty, with lingering notes of citrus and a subtle saline touch.
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