Elevate your whisky experience with Crown Royal Black Blended Canadian Whisky, a luxurious expression that embraces depth and richness. Crafted with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, this black label variant introduces a bolder character, matured in charred oak barrels and blended at a higher proof. Crown Royal Black promises a refined flavor profile that adds sophistication to any occasion, offering a velvety texture, dried fruit notes, and an enduring finish that resonates with deeper bourbon undertones.
Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey Black 750ml
As you approach the glass, the nose unveils a deeper oak background, setting the stage for the sensory journey. Sweet maple notes linger, adding a touch of warmth and complexity. The taste experience is marked by a creamy and velvety texture, with prominent dried fruit notes, particularly fig, weaving seamlessly across the palate. The finish is a culmination of deeper bourbon notes, delivering a smooth and satisfying conclusion at a higher proof.
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