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Tasting Notes

Hanson of Sonoma Habanero Organic Vodka greets the senses with a tantalizing aroma that combines hints of grape, pear, and quince with the assertive presence of habanero pepper. Upon tasting, the journey unfolds with the fiery and bold flavor of habanero, creating an invigorating and warming sensation on the palate. Amidst the heat, subtle notes of grape, pear, and quince lend a delicate sweetness that balances the intensity. The vodka's inherent smoothness provides a soothing and pleasant mouthfeel that accompanies the habanero kick. The finish is lively and lingering, leaving a memorable reminder of the dynamic habanero essence.

Hanson Of Sonoma Habanero Flavored Vodka 750ml

  • Hanson of Sonoma Habanero Organic Vodka is an exciting and bold expression that marries the fiery kick of habanero pepper with the purity of organic ingredients. Crafted with a dedication to quality and a commitment to organic production, this vodka embodies the fusion of vibrant flavors and a smooth mouthfeel. With its distinctive character and emphasis on using the finest organic ingredients, Hanson of Sonoma Habanero Organic Vodka offers a taste experience that is both fiery and uniquely satisfying.

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