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The Hess Collection Lioness Chardonnay is a premium white wine crafted in Napa Valley, California, known for its balance of richness, elegance, and vibrant acidity. Produced from the Hess estate's finest vineyards, this wine pays tribute to the Lion, a symbol of strength and pride for the Hess family. The Lioness Chardonnay showcases the winery’s dedication to sustainable viticulture and precise winemaking, resulting in a luxurious and layered expression of Napa Valley Chardonnay.

Hess Lioness Chardonnay 750ml

    • Appearance: A brilliant golden hue with excellent clarity and a soft, radiant glow.
    • Aroma: A complex bouquet featuring notes of ripe pear, green apple, and tropical fruits like pineapple and mango. Subtle hints of lemon curd, vanilla, and toasted hazelnuts emerge from oak aging, adding depth and elegance.
    • Palate: Full-bodied and creamy, with a luscious texture balanced by bright acidity. Flavors of baked apple, peach, and Meyer lemon are layered with nuances of caramel, buttered brioche, and a touch of wet stone. The oak influence is integrated seamlessly, enhancing complexity without overpowering the fruit.
    • Finish: Long and smooth, with lingering notes of citrus zest, toasted almonds, and a hint of minerality.
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