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Jameson Black Barrel Irish Whiskey is a premium expression from the renowned Jameson Distillery, founded by John Jameson in Dublin in 1780. This exceptional whiskey is a testament to John Jameson's dedication to producing the highest quality spirits. It is crafted using time-honored traditions and the finest ingredients, continuing the legacy of triple distillation that has become synonymous with Jameson. What sets the Black Barrel apart is its maturation process, which intensifies the aromas of butterscotch, fudge, and creamy toffee. This whiskey represents a rich and robust addition to the Jameson family, designed to be savored and enjoyed.

Jameson Blended Irish Whiskey Black Barrel 750ml

    • Aroma: Jameson Black Barrel opens with an inviting bouquet of butterscotch, offering a sweet and indulgent note. Hints of fudge and creamy toffee follow, creating a rich and enticing aroma that promises a luxurious tasting experience.
    • Taste: The palate is a journey of flavors. Butterscotch remains prominent, accompanied by the sweetness of fudge and toffee, which coat the taste buds with a velvety richness. The whiskey has a creamy and smooth texture, making it incredibly approachable and enjoyable.
    • Finish: The finish is long-lasting and satisfying. The sweetness lingers, leaving a pleasant and comforting warmth that invites you to savor the moment. It's a signature smoothness that is a hallmark of Jameson's craftsmanship.
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