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Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year Blended Scotch Whisky is a celebrated blend in the Johnnie Walker portfolio, known for its exceptional richness and character. Originally launched in 2016, this blended malt whisky is distinctive for its approach to whisky production. Johnnie Walker Green Label travels through the various regions of Scottish whisky production, effectively capturing the essence of these regions and presenting a whirlwind of flavors to your palate. This particular blend is celebrated for its hearty and full-bodied nature, making it a remarkable choice for whisky enthusiasts.

Johnnie Walker Blended Malt Scotch Green Label 15 Year Whiskey 750ml

    • Appearance: Johnnie Walker Green Label presents a rich and inviting amber hue, visually alluding to its complexity and depth.
    • Aroma: The aroma of this blend is an aromatic journey through the diverse regions of Scotland. It offers a captivating blend of fragrances, with hints of fresh herbs, wood, and fruit that entice the senses.
    • Palate: The palate experience is nothing short of remarkable. Johnnie Walker Green Label 15 Year embodies a robust and complex flavor profile. It masterfully blends malt whiskies from different regions, resulting in a harmonious combination of character. Expect to encounter a spectrum of flavors, from fruity and herbal notes to hints of wood and mild spice, creating a fulfilling and rich tasting experience.
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