Jura 10-Year-Old is a refined and distinctive single malt Scotch whisky from the remote Isle of Jura. Aged for a decade, this expression captures the essence of the island, offering a delicate balance of flavors and a complexity that reflects the natural surroundings. The nose is characterized by resin, oil, cereal, and pine notes, creating an inviting and nuanced olfactory experience.
Jura 10 Year 750ml
In the mouth, Jura 10-Year-Old is comparatively light-bodied yet exudes a robust character. Malt notes dominate, accompanied by a subtle drying saltiness that adds depth to the palate. There's a gentle hint of aniseed, contributing a touch of sweetness and spice. The finish is a testament to the craftsmanship, with a malty and nutty profile that lingers on the palate. More salt emerges, and a whisper of smoke adds a layer of complexity, leaving a memorable and satisfying aftertaste.
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