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Elevate your whisky experience to new heights with the Jura Single Malt Scotch Whisky 18-Year-Old, a pinnacle within the distillery's core range. Relaunched in mid-2018, this expression represents the culmination of patience and craftsmanship. Aged initially in American white oak ex-bourbon barrels, it undergoes a finishing period in Premier Grand Cru Classé Bordeaux barrels, resulting in a whisky of unparalleled depth and richness.

Jura Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 18 Year 750ml

  • The Jura 18-Year-Old opens with a captivating symphony of aromas. Rich fruitiness takes center stage, thanks to the influence of Premier Grand Cru Classé Bordeaux barrels. On the palate, a harmonious blend of flavors unfolds, featuring the sweet and vanilla notes from the American white oak, complemented by a tapestry of ripe fruits, dark berries, and a subtle undertone of oak. The texture is luxurious, with a velvety mouthfeel that adds to the overall sophistication. The finish is enduring, leaving a lingering impression of dried fruits, oak, and a delicate whisper of red wine complexity.

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