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Tasting Notes

Maestro Dobel Añejo Tequila offers a distinguished tasting experience marked by its aging process and blending. Here are the tasting notes:

  • Appearance: This Añejo tequila presents a rich and inviting amber hue, indicative of its aging in American white oak barrels. The color is visually appealing and anticipates the depth of flavor within.
  • Aroma: The nose reveals a complex and alluring bouquet with notes of caramel, oak, and vanilla. There are hints of cooked agave and subtle spice, creating an inviting and harmonious aroma.
  • Taste: On the palate, Maestro Dobel Añejo Tequila offers a velvety and balanced taste. The flavors of caramel and vanilla are beautifully integrated with the oak imparted by the barrels. Cooked agave notes provide depth and authenticity, while a gentle spiciness adds complexity to the profile. The overall taste is rich, sophisticated, and thoroughly enjoyable.

Maestro Dobel Anejo Tequila 750ml

  • Maestro Dobel Añejo Tequila is a tequila of distinct character and exceptional quality. It undergoes a meticulous aging process in American white oak barrels, and the vintages of tequila from various stages of this aging journey are thoughtfully blended to create a tequila that embodies superior flavor and craftsmanship. Named after Juan Domingo Beckmann Legorreta, the 11th generation tequila producer and the legacy behind Dobel Tequila, this spirit is a testament to his personal dedication and oversight at every step of production.

    The result is a tequila that stands as a symbol of excellence and tradition, representing the culmination of expertise passed down through generations. Maestro Dobel Añejo Tequila is best enjoyed slowly and savored on its own, whether served neat or over ice. With an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 40% (80 proof), it offers a refined and memorable tasting experience.

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