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Nolet's Dry Gin Silver is an exquisite and modern interpretation of the classic gin, created by the renowned Nolet family distillery with a legacy dating back over three centuries. Crafted in small batches using a unique blend of botanicals, this gin offers a harmonious balance between tradition and innovation. Nolet's Dry Gin Silver is a testament to the family's commitment to quality and innovation, resulting in a premium spirit that is both timeless and contemporary.

Nolet's Dry Gin Silver 750ml

  • Nolet's Dry Gin Silver entices the senses with a complex and alluring bouquet of botanicals. The nose is greeted with fragrant rose petals and a subtle citrus zest, offering an inviting introduction to what lies ahead. Upon the first sip, the palate is greeted with a smooth and elegant gin that showcases the botanicals' interplay. Juniper takes center stage, surrounded by the delicate essence of Turkish rose, as well as hints of warm spice and a touch of fruitiness. The gin's texture is velvety, allowing the flavors to unfold gracefully. The finish is long and memorable, leaving behind a gentle floral sweetness and a whisper of botanical complexity.

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