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Powers Irish Rye pays tribute to the remarkable legacy of James Power, the founding father of Powers Whiskey. In 1791, James Power set out to create a Single Pot Still Irish whiskey that would become a symbol of excellence in the whiskey world. This particular style of whiskey is uniquely Irish, crafted from a mash of both malted and unmalted barley, which is then subjected to the triple distillation process in traditional copper pot stills. However, James Power's quest for perfection went further; his commitment was not only to the process but to the purity of the final product. As a result, every drop of Powers Irish Rye reflects his unwavering dedication, with a relentless focus on ensuring that only the most pristine heart of the distillate is preserved.

Powers Irish Rye Whiskey 750ml

    • Aroma: The aroma of Powers Irish Rye is an inviting bouquet of orchard fruits, rich in apples and pears. A gentle spice, reminiscent of nutmeg and a hint of clove, adds depth to the nose. There's also a subtle floral note, evoking fresh meadows.
    • Palate: On the palate, this Irish Rye whiskey showcases a symphony of flavors. The orchard fruits perceived in the aroma come to life, with crisp apple and ripe pear leading the way. The spices, now more pronounced, offer a pleasing warmth without overwhelming. Hints of vanilla and toffee provide a delightful sweetness, while a touch of oak adds a refined depth to the taste.
    • Finish: The finish is characterized by a harmonious balance. It's medium in length, leaving you with lingering impressions of orchard fruits, a mild spice, and a subtle sweetness. The finish is a testament to the precision and craft that go into each bottle of Powers Irish Rye.
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