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Prairie Dry Gin is a masterfully crafted spirit that captures the essence of the American heartland in each sip. Created by the Prairie Organic Spirits distillery, known for their commitment to sustainable practices and organic ingredients, this gin embodies purity and a connection to the land. The name "Prairie" evokes images of open landscapes and untamed nature, and this gin strives to embody that sense of unspoiled beauty in both its flavor profile and production methods.

Prairie Dry Gin 750ml

  • Prairie Dry Gin offers a sensory journey that speaks to the purity of its ingredients and the skill of its distillation. On the nose, juniper takes the lead, accompanied by a delicate bouquet of botanicals that hint at the gin's intricate character. The first taste reveals a well-balanced profile where juniper remains a central element, complemented by a medley of citrus notes that add brightness and vibrancy. As the gin unfolds on the palate, hints of earthy spices and subtle floral undertones emerge, creating a harmonious and complex flavor experience. The finish is clean and crisp, leaving a gentle echo of juniper and botanicals that lingers pleasantly.

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