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Proper No. Twelve Irish Apple is a unique blend that marries the traditional Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey with the vibrant flavors of sweet and tart Irish apples. This 35% ABV (70 proof) whiskey offers a refreshing and smooth drinking experience. Paying tribute to its founder, Conor McGregor, and his roots in Crumlin, Dublin 12, this whiskey embodies the spirit of brotherhood, loyalty, and hard work. Proper No. Twelve Irish Apple is friendly and straightforward, making it a delightful choice for those who enjoy a crisp, fresh apple finish.

Proper No. Twelve Irish Apple Whiskey 750ml

  • Aroma: Sweet cider with hints of caramel, oak, and browned butter.

    Flavor: A balanced mix of cooked apples and honey sweetness, complemented by notes of oak barrels and crisp green apple peel.

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