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Ransom Old Tom Gin is a timeless and sophisticated spirit that pays homage to the historical style of gin that was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Ransom Old Tom Gin captures the essence of a bygone era while infusing modern craftsmanship. This gin boasts a harmonious balance of botanicals and a rich, slightly sweet profile that sets it apart from contemporary gins.

Ransom Old Tom Gin 750ml

  • Upon the first sip, Ransom Old Tom Gin envelops the palate with a complex bouquet of aromatics. The nose is greeted with juniper berries, leading into a delicate dance of citrus notes, including lemon and orange zest. The sweetness of licorice root and subtle hints of botanicals like angelica and coriander add layers of depth to the experience. Mid-palate, a gentle warmth emerges from the carefully selected blend of herbs, spices, and the base spirit. The finish is smooth and lingering, leaving behind a satisfying trace of juniper and a faint herbal bitterness that beckons another sip.

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