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Rémy Martin XO Extra Old 25-Year Cognac is an iconic expression of exceptional craftsmanship, born from the world-renowned Fine Champagne terroir. Created by Cellar Master André Giraud in 1981, this XO cognac was the first ever made exclusively from grapes sourced in both Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne, setting the benchmark for what would become a legendary style of cognac. This luxurious spirit is a radiant blend of eaux-de-vie aged for up to 25 years, each drop imbued with layers of complexity, depth, and smooth elegance. Crafted to reflect the opulence and heritage of the House of Rémy Martin, this XO cognac is the pinnacle of indulgence, offering a remarkable tasting experience. The limited edition release by celebrated Chinese artist Huang Yuxing adds a striking visual element, making this a perfect gift or collector's item.

Remy Martin XO Extra Old Cognac 750ml

  • Rémy Martin XO Extra Old is a masterpiece in every sense, with its fiery mahogany color and opal-like undertones. On the nose, it offers an understated yet powerful aroma that gradually unfolds to reveal an explosion of intricate flavors. Initial fruity notes of plums, dried figs, and candied orange create a lush opening, followed by a wave of passion fruit and floral notes reminiscent of jasmine flowers. As the spirit develops, spicy hints of nutmeg and freshly ground hazelnuts emerge, giving way to deeper, more luxurious notes of roasted cocoa beans, honey, and gingerbread. The body is exceptionally smooth and full, offering a harmonious balance between freshness and richness. Its long-lasting finish leaves a delectable impression of sweetness and spice.

    • Color (Eye): Fiery mahogany with opal tones.
    • Aroma (Nose): A powerful yet delicate bouquet of fruity notes, including plums, dried figs, candied orange, passion fruit, and hints of jasmine flowers. There is an underlying floral fragrance that captivates the senses.
    • Taste (Palate): Rich layers of ripe autumn fruits—mature fig, candied orange—accompanied by spicy nuances of nutmeg and hazelnuts. The tasting experience evolves with gourmet flavors of roasted cocoa beans, honey, and gingerbread.
    • Body: Exceptionally smooth, full-bodied, and long-lasting, this cognac finishes with a lasting, complex sweetness that leaves an impression.
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