Silks Irish Dry Gin is a refined and captivating spirit that pays homage to the lush landscapes and rich history of Ireland. Crafted with precision and care, this gin embodies the essence of traditional gin-making techniques while incorporating a contemporary twist. Silks Gin is named after the intricate silk trade that once thrived in Ireland, symbolizing the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into every bottle.
Silks Irish Dry Gin 750ml
Silks Irish Dry Gin offers a harmonious blend of botanicals that dance on the palate, creating a symphony of flavors that unfold with each sip. On the nose, juniper takes the lead, accompanied by bright citrus notes of lemon and orange zest. Delicate floral undertones of lavender and chamomile emerge, adding a soft and inviting dimension. The mid-palate brings a subtle hint of spice, with coriander and a touch of warming cinnamon, which elegantly balances the herbal freshness. The finish is clean and crisp, leaving a lingering echo of juniper and a faint whisper of earthy roots.
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