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TINCUP American Whiskey pays tribute to the spirit of the American West and the rugged Rocky Mountains. This unique whiskey is a blend of two exceptional American whiskeys, each individually aged in #3 charred American oak barrels. High rye bourbon, expertly distilled and aged in Indiana, forms the backbone of this whiskey. It's harmoniously combined with a small amount of Colorado single malt whiskey, adding a distinctive twist to the blend. The result is a caramel-colored whiskey with an aroma that dances with citrus, black pepper, and the inviting scent of ginger snaps. TINCUP American Whiskey boasts a flavor profile rich in rye spice, warm cinnamon, and sweet caramel, culminating in a clean, spicy finish. True to its Rocky Mountain roots, this whiskey is cut to proof with pure Rocky Mountain water. Whether enjoyed straight from the distinctive tin cap or poured into a glass, TINCUP American Whiskey honors both the majestic Rockies of today and the early pioneers who braved these wild lands. With an ABV of 42% (84 proof), it offers a well-balanced and captivating whiskey experience.

Tincup American Whiskey 750ml

  • TINCUP American Whiskey invites you to embark on a flavorful journey that evokes the spirit of the American West. The aroma is immediately captivating, with notes of citrus that provide a refreshing and invigorating introduction. As you take your first sip, the palate is treated to the boldness of black pepper, which adds depth and complexity to the whiskey's character. Hints of ginger snaps provide a warm and comforting undertone, reminiscent of a campfire in the Rockies. The flavor profile unfolds with the distinctive kick of rye spice, offering a tantalizing combination of warmth and intensity. Cinnamon adds a touch of sweetness and a hint of caramel enriches the overall experience. The finish is characterized by the enduring presence of rye spice, leaving a clean and spicy impression that lingers.

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