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Dalmore 12 Year Sherry Cask Select is a refined single malt Scotch whisky that has undergone a special maturation process in carefully selected sherry casks. This elegant expression presents a harmonious interplay of flavors and aromas, making it a distinctive offering from the Dalmore distillery. Maturing in sherry casks infuses the whisky with captivating notes of caramelized orange, ginger, sultanas, and runny honey, creating a sensory journey that begins with the nose and continues through to the finish.

The Dalmore 12 Year Old Sherry Cask Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    • Nose: The whisky opens with an enticing aroma that invites you to explore its complexity. Caramelized orange offers a sweet and zesty note, complemented by the warming spice of ginger. Sultanas add a layer of rich, fruity sweetness, while runny honey provides a comforting and indulgent base.
    • Palate: Dalmore 12 Year Sherry Cask Select delivers a palate rich in flavor and depth. Dark chocolate takes the forefront, offering a decadent and slightly bitter note. Almonds add a nutty richness, while cinnamon infuses a gentle warmth. As you savor the whisky, it gradually transitions to panna cotta, sweet mangos, and lemon sponge cake.
    • Finish: The finish is a testament to the whisky's intricate aging process. It lingers with the sweetness of panna cotta, the exotic allure of sweet mangos, and the comforting nostalgia of lemon sponge cake. It's a memorable conclusion to a well-crafted whisky.
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