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Dalmore 12 Year is an exceptional Highland single malt Scotch whisky known for its intricate aging process and resulting complexity of flavor. This whisky is aged in two types of casks to create a harmonious and magical fusion of flavors. Initially, it matures in American white oak ex-bourbon casks, infusing soft vanilla and honey notes. A portion of the spirit is then transferred to rare and aged oloroso sherry casks, where it gains a rich, nutty character. The whisky is a carefully orchestrated reunion of these two distinct styles, resulting in a whisky that is both captivating and refined.

The Dalmore 12 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    • Nose: The whisky opens with an inviting aroma that combines soft vanilla and honey notes from the American white oak ex-bourbon casks. This sweet and fragrant base sets the stage for what's to come.
    • Palate: Dalmore 12 Year offers a rich and complex palate that is the product of its dual maturation. The sweetness of honey and vanilla continues to shine, complemented by a delightful nutty character that emerges from the oloroso sherry casks. The flavors are well-balanced, creating a harmonious and rewarding taste experience.
    • Finish: The finish is a testament to the whisky's intricate aging process, with a lingering richness and a subtle hint of sherry. It leaves a warm and satisfying impression that lingers on the palate.
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