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Dalmore 15 Year Old Scotch Whiskey is a beloved expression within the Dalmore distillery's portfolio. This exceptional single malt offers an elegant and smooth tasting experience, characterized by a luscious texture and the impeccable balance that one would anticipate from the masterful blending of Richard Paterson. Dalmore, with its heritage and craftsmanship, has crafted a whisky that is celebrated for its sophistication and remarkable flavor profile. The 15-year aging process is a testament to the dedication and expertise that goes into creating this distinctive single malt.

The Dalmore 15 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ml

    • Nose: The nose is inviting and aromatic, revealing a captivating blend of scents. Fruity notes of orange and ripe bananas intermingle with warm spices, such as cinnamon and nutmeg. Hints of toffee and caramel add sweetness to the aroma, while a subtle undertone of dark chocolate adds depth.
    • Palate: On the palate, Dalmore 15 Year Old presents an exquisite and textured experience. The fruitiness continues to shine, with flavors of orange and ripe bananas taking the lead. This is balanced by the rich and velvety essence of toffee and caramel. The influence of oak is evident, providing depth and complexity, while a touch of dark chocolate adds a hint of bitterness.
    • Finish: The finish is smooth and enduring, marked by the harmonious balance of flavors. The sweetness of toffee and caramel lingers, while the warmth of spices and a subtle bitterness of dark chocolate provide a layered and memorable conclusion.
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