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WhistlePig Piggyback Bourbon Whiskey is a testament to the essence of true bourbon whiskey. With a high corn mash bill and six years of meticulous aging, this bourbon offers a full, rich flavor that captures the heart and soul of bourbon enthusiasts. WhistlePig is renowned for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship, and Piggyback is no exception. It's a bourbon that delivers the quintessential sweet and bold flavors bourbon lovers seek, making it an exceptional choice for those who appreciate the classic American spirit.

Whistlepig Piggyback Bourbon 6 Year Whiskey 750ml

  • WhistlePig Piggyback Bourbon Whiskey entices the palate with its distinctive characteristics:

    • Bright and Sweet: The high corn content lends a bright and sweet profile, making it instantly appealing to those who crave the classic sweetness associated with bourbon.
    • Balanced Complexity: While it offers sweet notes upfront, Piggyback also presents a balanced complexity with subtle layers of oak, spice, and caramel.
    • Smooth and Approachable: At 100 proof, this bourbon maintains a smooth and approachable character that welcomes both neat sipping and cocktail mixing.
  • Enjoy fast and reliable shipping on all orders. We ensure your products arrive safely and on time, so you can start enjoying your purchase as soon as possible.

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