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Woodinville Whiskey Co. Straight Bourbon Finished in Port Casks is a remarkable expression that marries traditional bourbon craftsmanship with the unique complexities of port wine cask finishing. This special limited release captures the spirit of innovation that defines Woodinville Whiskey Co., which was founded by two best friends determined to craft exceptional whiskey. By sourcing locally grown grains and utilizing top-tier barrels and advanced distillation techniques, they’ve created a bourbon that honors time-honored traditions while embracing modern practices. The port cask finishing process enhances the bourbon's profile, resulting in a luxurious sipping experience that is rich, complex, and memorable.

Woodinville Bourbon Port Finished 750ml

  • Appearance: The bourbon boasts a rich, inviting appearance in the glass, hinting at the depth of flavors to come.

    Aroma: The nose is a delightful tapestry of scents. The influence of the Port cask finishing process is immediately evident. You'll encounter the sweetness of candied cherries, the richness of dried plums, and the alluring allure of berries. These fruity notes intertwine harmoniously with the essence of chocolate. Beneath this, you'll still find the traditional bourbon character, which adds depth and complexity.

    Taste: As you take your first sip, you'll experience a luxurious and viscous mouthfeel. The bourbon begins with a burst of candied cherry flavors that evoke a sense of decadence. Dried plums and berries contribute a layer of complexity, creating a dynamic interplay between sweet and fruity elements. Chocolate notes add depth and richness to the flavor profile. The traditional bourbon characteristics, such as oak and caramel, create a sturdy foundation for this exquisite composition.

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